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Let's reignite intimacy in your Relationship!

Belinda Wiley - intimacy coach

Does any of this resonate for you?

Let’s Talk

You’ve read the recommended books, listened to all the podcasts, tried the tools, but it doesn’t last. You long to finally feel a real connection with your partner, but you aren’t sure which direction will take you to authentic and lasting change.

You’re ready to get curious and are open to doing things differently, but you don’t know how or where to start. You sooo want to feel sexually alive again, but that feels like a distant memory.

You feel like you have to constantly watch your words and walk on eggshells because you don’t want to hurt your partner’s feelings by speaking your truth and what you truly want is to re-connect and feel loved

You are so over arguments, feeling irritated and basically ‘what’s the use…. I just want a peaceful life….. Yet you know you love your partner and you know you are both capable of making it work

You want to feel like you can share anything together and it won’t end up in a big argument around who is right or wrong here!

You want to find some way to feel confident to initiate sex again, but it feels like a monumental hurdle to jump because… damn it hurts to be rejected!

Do you want to reignite your sex life?

Are you sick of finding excuses to go to bed after your husband so you can avoid sex altogether?

Has sex been relegated to the bottom of the To Do list, when it feels right, when you are not tired, or maybe when your libido switch is on, or maybe never now that you have hit that age?

Do you want intimacy with your partner that feels loving,  easy, fun and reconnects you with that orgasmic bliss you used to have?

Do you want a sex life that just keeps getting more loving, more deeply honest and fun?

Do you want to feel loving towards your your partner, instead of sniping at each other?

Do you want to feel alive and excited instead of dull and deprived?

Build the relationship
you really want!

Book a call today

Auckland, NZ

My partner and I absolutely LOVE working with Belinda. She has helped us take a deeper and beautifully thoughtful look at our relationship and how we communicate. She holds space for us in a way that feels so safe, and she operates from a place of love, exploration, and curiosity which has been very helpful. We also have fun in our sessions with her!


Auckland, NZ

"Belinda is warm and considerate in her manner and meets you exactly where you are with zero judgment. The safety we felt during our times with her was a huge part of the effectiveness of the process. This was the best investment we have ever made into our relationship"

Amber L


“Working with Belinda completely transformed our relationship. We went from struggling with the same old patterns and habits to being able to now use them as a doorway for deeper intimacy, turn on & erotic play"



“Belinda is amazing. She holds impeccable space, honors you where you are & lovingly challenges you to rise into your deepest essence as a lover and partner. We have tools to use for creating deeper intimacy and hotter sex for a lifetime because of our work with Belinda.”

Book a call today

My Process

Let’s meet on Zoom for a complimentary 30- minute Clarity call with your partner, where we can discuss what you really desire in your relationship, what blocks could be showing up and what working together could look like.  I will use my 4Cs of Intimacy as a framework for your relationship transformation journey



Let’s get you clear about what you both value and what your intentions are for your relationship, help you commit to this transformational journey together and learn how to witness that your differences are manageable to work with, and maybe why you even were attracted to each other!



I will teach you not just about communicating in a healthy, positive and mature way, but also about how to hold space for and invite your partner to go deeper into the core of the issue. Thriving relationships require productive, deep, informative, loving, compassionate, understanding communication with each other on a regular basis.



I will guide you through practices to help you find a safe enough space to connect physically with each other. It can help take you out of an irritated or angry state and into a calmer sense of connection and compassion towards each other. When regularly practiced, you enter this loving, connected state, but also your unconscious will start to realise your partner is a friend, an ally and a lover.



Curiosity is the overarching key to relationship transformation. When you learn how to approach your partner, yourself and your dynamic with curiosity and an open mind, what used to be arguments now turn into moments for deeper intimacy



Let’s get you clear about what you both value and what your intentions are for your relationship, help you commit to this transformational journey together and learn how to witness that your differences are manageable to work with, and maybe why you even were attracted to each other!



I will guide you through practices to help you find a safe enough space to connect physically with each other. It can help take you out of an irritated or angry state and into a calmer sense of connection and compassion towards each other. When regularly practiced, you enter this loving, connected state, but also your unconscious will start to realise your partner is a friend, an ally and a lover.

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A Message from Belinda

When a relationship feels deeply uncomfortable, and you are struggling to find a way to have really honest conversations with each other, and you know you want to, this is a wonderful sign you are human, mature and might be ready for guided support

Relationships go through seasons just as in nature. Just because you do not feel happy and totally in love with each other constantly, this is wonderful information that this is OK to rest. There may also be some new pieces to add into your relationship to turn it into an honest thriving alive way of living together when the time feels right

Deep sensual intimacy is a choice between two humans. When it feels like what you have had has disappeared, it might be time to get curious about new ways of relating, new ways of seeing each other, different ways of opening yourselves up to the new, something you can lovingly experience together that feels exciting and life giving!

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The Intimately with Belinda Podcast

This podcast is for any human who is curious about sensual intimacy in relationships, health, wealth and wellbeing for our times. The hostess Sexagenarian, Belinda Wiley, has embodied her life force energy through practices and thought processes that she will share with you. Her nearly four decade marriage has gone through many seasons. The current times we all find ourselves need new ways of approaching relationships where heart mind and body are open and alive ….. Relationships are a portal to deep spiritual healing. This has never been taught to most humans so of course once a relationship is out of its ‘honeymoon’ phase, this is when the ‘work/curiosity’ begins, if you want to change the DNA blueprint of your relationship/coupledom/family.

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Belinda's Diary

Follow along as I share my thoughts on intimacy, sex, relationships, monogamy, marriage and so much more

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How to Reconnect with your Partner

How to Reconnect with your Partner

Do you feel you have a busy life and can't find time to connect? How you listen and communicate with your partner is foundational to feeling deeply safe and connected. To reconnect you might need to get curious about how you listen and who likes interrupting!

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‍How often should you have sex? Spoiler: You're asking the wrong question!

‍How often should you have sex? Spoiler: You're asking the wrong question!

I often hear this question! What truly matters is whether your intimate moments are fulfilling and mutually satisfying and how you go about getting that information in a loving kind respectful way

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How do we get over this hurdle of not having sex?

How do we get over this hurdle of not having sex?

This question is a constant from my clients and I tell them they need to start by being willing to learn how to speak and listen to each other and get curious about what they truly think and feel. I also say it might take time but it is definitely possible if two people are willing to add in new behaviours and let the old ways, that are not working, drop away.

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